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Mariah Carey - Outside

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Mariah Carey - Outside Empty09.07.09 19:29
YK Star


Kadın Kayıt Tarihi : 01/12/08
Nerden : Almanya ..
Yaş : 32
Mesaj Sayısı : 1309

Mariah Carey - Outside Vide
MesajKonu: Mariah Carey - Outside   

It's hard to explain
Inherently it's just always been strange
Neither here nor there --
always somewhat out of place everywhere
Ambiguous --
without a sense of belonging to touch
Somewhere halfway --
feeling there's no one completely the same

Standing alone --
eager to just
believe it's good enough to be what
you really are
But in your heart
uncertainty forever lies
and you'll always be
somewhere on the

Early on, you face
the realization you don't
have a space
where you fit in
And recognize
you were born to exist

And it's hard
And it's hard
And it's hard

Falling in between
And it's hard
And it's hard
to be understood
as you are
As you are

Oh, and God knows
that you're standing on your own --
blind and unguided
Into a world divided
you're thrown
Where you're never quite the same
although you try -- try and try
to tell yourself
you really are

But in your heart -- uncertainty forever lies
and you'll always be
somewhere on the outside
You'll always be
somewhere on the outside

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Hızlı Cevap

Mariah Carey - Outside
Forum Saati 15.11.24 1:09 .

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